As performing artists, we are always one step away from embarrassment or shame. Sometimes it’s public and sometimes it is private. No matter how it comes to us, there is still a heavy weight feeling of deep exposure that can overwhelm the soul. This feeling can make us react in day to day life in uncanny ways like throwing off harmony in our relationships or preventing us from taking on other points of view. It can be blinding.
It takes a whole mental shift to move from seeing oneself as the victim to realizing that “all things will work together for good”. What does that mean? When a rose withers, it is as if it is going through its most shameful exposure of all time but in order for a better rose to bloom, the old has to die. The process is preparation. The process is maturity. The process is all about leaning into the future by exercising mental authority and control in the present. So when faced with such difficult, embarrassing situations, we must learn to appreciate it as good “dung” that is going to go back into the ground to enable us to grow healthier and stronger.
Don’t spiral. Performers are good at spiralling. From “oh no, no one showed up to my show” to “ I will never get married.” Excuse me! How are those two connected?
Though, it’s also good to realize when our own mental discomfort is self-imposed and literally nobody is pointing fingers at us. Don’t spiral. Performers are good at spiralling. From “oh no, no one showed up to my show” to “ I will never get married.” Excuse me! How are those two connected? Don’t spiral. Be for your own team. Before any fan or critic tells how awesome you did, you need to identify it for yourself.
This is something that I have to practice continually. Pint sized shame or embarrassment is enough to for a person to coil back in fear. A year later you wake up and realize that nobody cares. So much time wasted then that sends you into another frenzy. Bruh! Calm down. Yes, I am a performing artist but not all life is a performance. Thoughts and ideas have to be put in their proper place. Yes we got to show up and be present but not on a wooden stage with fourth-walls. No, this is reality where you account for every single minute. We’re always one step away from embarrassment or career-shame and fear for of stepping over the line prevents us from breaking boundaries, exploring and blooming into a better self. Relax. They say give an artist anything and he will give you an art piece. That’s a choice. A choice we all have. We can choose to see whatever comes to us as an opportunity. Use it.